About me

Welcome! I’m so glad you’re here. I’m Summer, a food loving wife and mom to two amazing kids living life in the Pacific Northwest. If you know me, you’ll know that I will most likely want a bite of your food. If it tastes great, probably more! My family and friends have a running joke, if I make you some food, then you better expect a bite is going to be missing! 😉 Hey, you need to quality taste your food, am I right?!  I have a passion for cooking and baking. you’re most likely to find me in the kitchen whipping up something for my family to enjoy and teaching my 4 & 5 year old basic kitchen skills. I have always loved being in the kitchen and some of my fondest childhood memories was around cooking and baking.

I attended Culinary School right out of high school, and while I thought working in a kitchen was going to be my dream job, I learned soon it was not. I have the upmost respect for anyone in the food industry, it’s not easy working weekends, nights, and most major holidays. That right there; working holidays was one of the many reasons I stepped away from the culinary world. Here I am about 12 years later, happily married with two kids, and I want to share my food inspirations with you. I hope you enjoy these recipes and find yourself having as much fun in the kitchen as I do! Happy cooking!